On TV tonight is the Celebrity Family Fued. That really has nothing to do with this other than I thought about it after I typed the title. The survey I speak of is the Blog survey. Recently I sent this blog link to several friends to ask their opinion of this blog vs another blog that I set up through another site. This blog was the winner by several votes, so here we are and here I guess we will be.
When I came home this evening I started playing with the digital camera mom gave me. She's upgraded so she didn't need this one anymore. I have shopped around for a new one, but I may try and make this one work to save the cash, I need it for the gas tank. I set out this evening with the intent of learning how to post pictures and it appears I may be on the right track. This is a photo of an Iris from home. Beautiful isn't it?
Another day at the 2007 fair. Wednesday continued……
Later that morning I stop by Don’s Trucking and Towing (DTT) about the golf cart situation. Within minutes a huge, giant, bright yellow tow truck arrives with a very tiny golf cart on top. The cart is not really that small, just in comparison to the truck it’s a midget. The guys help hook up the broadcast equipment and everything is good to go!
Now for a little information on DTT. These guys have worked the state fair for over two decades towing vehicles (Mike’s included, and my own truck a few years ago). They don’t decide what goes, but they do as the parking attendants direct. On the grounds they have a tent set up where they host a couple gatherings throughout the fair.
During one of the events home fried Rocky Mountain Oysters are on the menu. Some people refer to them as calf fries. Let me just say, I’m a farm girl. I was around cattle before I could utter the word moo. Over the years I was there during several “Oyster Collecting” events but I’ve NEVER tried the… delicacy. With a leap of culinary faith I find that… they’re not too bad, tastes like chicken, honestly! I probably won’t go out of my way to try again, but seriously, not too bad!
I’m glad I had the chance to meet Don’s crew and I’m looking forward to more adventures with them. By the way, I asked Don about the 2004 state fair when it rained the entire week and it was muddy everywhere. So, how many vehicles did they have to pull out of the mud? Thousands. Probably didn’t get to have much fun that year.