Every family has traditions, most often surrounding the Winter months but something I remember as a child may be a little different.
In the Ozarks this time of year, combines are usually rolling.
Not for corn or soybeans, but fescue, the perennial crop that a lot of people use as grass seed for their yard.
My dad and brother logged many hours in the combine taking in another fescue crop.
Each bin would be dumped into Greeny, the ol dump truck.
At the end of the day we'd drive Greeny to town to unload and wait in line for our turn.
From the top of the hill I could see the fireworks from the fairgrounds 5 or 6 miles away north.
Every 4
th of July I think of those days.
I also think of mom's lemon tea, a mixture of lemonade and iced tea, which, come to think of, I've not had in years.
I know what I'm going to drink tomorrow!!
And the fair tries to draw to a close… Sunday August 19th
Rise and shine, it’s time to load things up. While packing I call Mike just to confirm that he has the missing golf cart. That's a no. I look around the trailer, another no. Now what do I do about my missing, borrowed golf cart?
While my friend Brad and I drive around the campground in search of the cart I realize this is not going to be easy. Do you know how many white two seater golf carts exist? Exactly! I don't usually get too worried but its time to call in the professionals. For cryin out load the thing could be on the way to Mexico!
As the State Patrol pulls up, Mike calls. He’s at the Red Radio and there’s an abandoned golf cart 20 feet away that could be ours. My first thought, I know that I didn't spend much time in the Bud Tent, so I DID NOT leave it behind.
Mike checks it out and thankfully it is our golf cart. Now who played this little prank? While racking my memory, I continue loading my stuff. On the last bundle, my neighbors (who helped put the awning down) ask if my golf cart was stolen. They were enjoying the evening of fresh air around midnight when a couple guys zipped by on another golf cart. Ten minutes later the two walk (stagger) back, heading back to the fairgrounds, intoxicated and whispering about their search for another cart. When the two notice my neighbors they try to casually walk away. Within minutes one of them comes from the other side of my trailer jumps on the golf cart and zooms away. Not very subtle huh?
So did my neighbors see who it was? Do I know who they were? No!
According to my friendly neighbor, "it was a cowboy and a midget cowboy!” (I'm sorry, it's not politically correct)
Just to confirm I understand things, you mean a tall guy and a short guy, or a tall guy and………Wizard of Oz size guy?
Friendly Neighbor: "Seriously, Wizard of Oz” No Way!!
That sums it up, I don’t know who did it. Later that day I visited with my friend Stacy at the Gerken Dairy Center. When I told her the story she laughed and told me the bandits had been in the dairy center the day before getting ice cream and were part of the set up crew for the concert the previous night!
So here is what my deductive reasoning tells me… thankfully, bandits eat ice cream. Also as part of the set up crew, they entertain themselves during the concert by "borrowing" a golf cart from the fairgrounds and dump it in the campground. Instead of walking back they "borrow" a cart from the campground (ours) and take it back to the concert grandstand when they are ready to call it a night. Just so happens, that's where the radio is parked. Whew, it's time to go home!
So in 2007 State Fair Summary…
A saturated Jeep
An uncooperative Air conditioner
1 written warning on the golf cart
Mike’s car towed -- twice
Mike’s new cell phone… flattened
Janet’s keys, locked up -- twice
Two golf carts -- one busted, one stolen
Two sets of neighbors coming to the rescue
Two cowboys, one average and one vertically challenged
And 11 days of good ol fun you won’t find anywhere but at the state fair….. Priceless!