We had a little free time over the weekend to take in the sights and sounds of Prague. Aubrey Famuliner, a farmer from Carrollton, and I felt it our duty to help the local economy with a little shopping. Part of our group left the dorms for another adventure and we decided that a couple independent girls can figure things out in a country where we don't speak, read or write the language. We took off for the bus stop with a little bit of drizzle coming down. With the bus stop quickly in view, the drizzle became a heavy sprinkle. During a 15 minute wait we decide it's a good time to document our adventure.

When the bus arrives, we consider that it may be on the wrong side of the street but it's raining, it's the right number, the bus is dry! We agree the passing scenery does not look familiar but the bus turns into a loop to head back the other direction.
What a relief… that is until the bus driver motions us to get off with the rest of the passengers…. Looking at each other with a little concern we stay put until the bus driver turns off the engine.

"It'll all work out"Aubrey:
"We're screwed!"Aubrey hustles to the front to have a conversation with the very nice Czech-only speaking driver who appears to chuckle. You can't help but hear his thoughts of crazy American girls! Through the global gesture of tapping his watch we realize it's break time.
Whew! So, about one mile away from where we started we wait for the break to end. Finally more people board, the bus starts and off we go down the road past the bus stop where it all started.
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