Monday, August 11, 2008

Snap, Crackle and aghhhhhh!

The day is winding down and we survived a Monday but I will tell you it seems the start to this day was days ago. This morning, around 6am, when Nathan and I arrived at the Red Radio our signal was terrible!! Popping, static, and cracks. Those sounds don't work so well in the radio business. So we pulled out a new piece of equipment for backup. It didn't want to work. Finally after a lot of struggles and dropped reports we had a solid signal. The first two hours of the day were very frustrating but we survived and I'm sure we are all the wiser for it.
This afternoon, also very frustrating.. The Super Farmer Contest was today. My partner and I have been very competitive in the last couple years. We took 2nd the first year (though we still believe we earned first). We got 3rd the second year (what we deserved). The upside this year, the emergency crew was not needed. As for the contest, we got a 2nd place in only one event! Not even close enough to see a glimmer of the prize or smell a blue ribbon. Speaking of smell, after carrying hay bales, climbing through pipes, hanging gates, post hole digging and crawling through dirt, stink has reached so many levels!


Anonymous said...

Bad Signal Frustrating!?!
Tell Me About It

your guys are doing a great job!!!

Anonymous said...

SO, did you not make it through the rest of the state fair? I haven't heard from you and just hope you survived! LOL


Anonymous said...

looks like you needed some more experienced workers