Thursday, February 5, 2009

Knock, Knock?...

When I realized I was locked out of the house that evening, I tried to come up with another option. After circling the house, I finally determined it was going to be harder than I'd hoped. With that I called it a night and crashed at a friend's house.
The following morning I admitted my latest dilemma to my loving coworkers. After laughing and poking fun at the predicament, my boss decided he could probably help.
When we made it to the house that afternoon I followed along as he pretty much did the same as I had the night before. Our final stop was the front door where he tried the door knob. I know you're thinking it was probably open all along, but you'd be wrong! At that point he admitted it was going to be more of a challenge than he thought too.
After the little Ring-around the house-Rosy, I made a couple more calls and a neighbor came to help. I just happen to know all the windows are locked tight with the exception of one which happens to be on the upper level of course.
Now, how do you reach a window on the second floor? The ladder was locked in the house along with tools and anything else that might be useful. Thank goodness for my neighbor who came to the rescue with a very tall ladder and a full toolbox. When we finally reached the window, I was able to climb through but my life was at risk. To move from the ladder through the window, I had to balance on the table under the window. At the same time I had to move lamps and stuff off the table so I could get safely away from the ladder and the window, not fall off the table or out of the window then place my feet on the floor. Thankfully, I made it. Nothing broken, including me, and I was standing in my house. I immediately unlocked the door then started searching for the spare key. Not only did I quickly locate the key, but I also found the garage door opener…. the one I thought I threw away.


Anonymous said...

Janet, Janet, Janet.... your life makes me tired. Glad you were able to get in and hope things have been going more smoothly since then. Congrats on finding the garage door opener. I have one and we have the key pad on the outside, although the key pad hates me and won't work for me. It works for the boys, but not me.... oh well!

Amy said...

Only you, Janet. Only you!

I was crying I was laughing so hard.