Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 4!

It's the first Sunday of the fair and I don't remember any year when the weather has been more perfect. Yesterday there was some cloud cover which cooled things off but this is great!!
One big change this year, they have a new midway. You wouldn't believe some of the rides they've got. The midway is also very clean too, not something you usually notice at a state fair, but its really worth mentioning.
All the troubles from day 1have started to iron themselves out for the time. We are still having a few computer issues but the golf cart is working again and people seem to be enjoying themselves. The only golf cart trouble is the fact, everywhere we go we are in a hurry. On the grounds you can't get in a hurry because someone is going to get in trouble. I've seen the golf cart Nazi this year. He still looks like he's in a bad mood.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you survived the first weekend without me. I thought about you. Mom, dad and Matthew were there to see Jason. He did really well with his cattle.

Anyway, missed getting to be there this year, but sounds like the Nazi's are taking some of the fun out of the whole event!

Anonymous said...

You sound busy and happy. David called this morning, they are in TN
and enjoying the sights. I have a two day workshop with art club and a bunch with retired teachers on opening day of school. Something ate my one tomato! I need a fence as it also ate the peaches off the tree. Hope it get a tummy ache. Love you, Mom